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About Time Garden

As a generalist I try to offer a wide selection of antiques and collectibles. Here you will find decorative arts and period accessories such as pottery, art glass, and vanity items, along with great collectible properties in the realms of advertising, photography, old toys and folk art.

I have been a dealer for over 30 years and a clients trust in my expertise is very important to me. I'm more than happy to advise new collectors on buying wisely, whether or not they are purchasing from me.


"The vase arrived today, in perfect condition (so well-packed). It's a sweet little vase that has already found a home in a discreet corner of my living room. Thanks so much for your professionalism and kind assistance." ~ M.G., Arlington, MA

"I wanted to let you know that I received the lamp and it is beautiful! I am very excited about it! It looks great with my other Victorian accessories! I appreciate all the time and care you put into wrapping and packaging the lamp for shipment. It came in perfect condition. It has been a pleasure doing business with you!" ~ K. W., Montgomery, AL
"The lamp arrived today and I love it! I have over 100 miniature kerosene lamps, but I have never seen one like this. Thanks also for the excellent packing job." ~ L.M., Greenlawn, NY
"The jug arrived yesterday afternoon in good shape: very well packaged. I'm quite pleased with the jug. Early stoneware is my passion. I hope that we can do business again sometime." ~ T. F., Wallingford, CT
"The plate arrived today and it is now my treasure. I'll explain why. In 1969 and 1970 I was part of the U.S. Navy Operation Deep Freeze. I was in the Winter-over detachment and spent 12 months in Antarctica. Four of those months were total darkness. I will be watching your website for more items. Thanks for the great service." ~ HMC Ralph Q. Earp, USN, Retired
"Olive Oyl came today. She is a beauty!! Thank you. And, how can you part with this stuff?" ~ Cherie, Bonita Springs, FL
"Pleased with my purchase" does not even begin to describe my delight! As wonderful as your pictures are, there is nothing to compare with holding such a beautiful piece in your own hands. I have been running around the office and showing it off. This has made my day. ~ Judy, New Orleans, LA

A collection is memories made visible.
A time machine on a shelf; a museum in the kitchen.
What could be sweeter than to reach out with one hand and touch childhood laughter?
It is there in your collection - as well as your heart.


Z. Inness
8154 North 41 Road
Tryon , OK 74875
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