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About LAHoote Studio

Our Service Pledge

We respond to all orders within 24 hours, and we always guarantee the authenticity of our products.

About Us

Over 20 years in my studio, I have made a business of making unique wearable art pieces. This is the majority of what I have for sale in my Rubylane LAHoote Studio Shop. Most of these pieces have my maker's mark or signature, so you know I back them up.

I also have an interest in vintage and I have collected pieces for myself that I feel you may find interesting and wish to purchase. These vintage items will be in my shop, also.

I now share with you my hand wrought work, and the select pieces of vintage, for sale from my LAHoote Studio.
Requests are accepted, if there is anything that you may want in the styles I do, I will fabricate to your specs, where possible.

Thank you for your interest in my work and for stopping by my LAHoote Studio.
Lois Bacarella
Address available at time of purchase
PhoneEmail Shop Owner


since 2020
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