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About Great Finds

Our Service Pledge

We describe all items to the very best of our ability and disclose any known flaws or unusual condition issues. Our photographs are brutally honest closeups and sometimes make defects appear worse than they would be when seen under normal circumstances. This is especially true for jewelry. All items are guaranteed to be as described. Gift boxes are included free of charge with all jewelry item purchases. Expedited or express shipping is usually available at or near the carriers actual cost.

We regret that, due to current worldwide conditions, we are temporarily unable to accept orders from many areas outside of the United States. We hope to resume full international shipping as soon as conditions will allow us to do so safely.

About Us

Welcome to Great Finds!
We have combined our shop Great Toys with this one, so there are now even more things to enjoy here! Please enjoy browsing our selection of antiques and collectibles. We specialize in vintage toys and costume jewelry, but you never know what you'll find at Great Finds!

We are happy to provide a gift box with any jewelry purchase. Shopping at the last minute? In a hurry? - Ask us about expedited shipping options! Some type of expedited shipping is usually available for any item at actual cost.

Note to international customers: We are currently offering limited shipping to some areas ship outside the USA. Pease ask about possible options for shipping to your country.
Peter and Paula Gofton
4094 Majestic Lane #248
Fairfax , VA 22033-2104
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