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About The Vintage Catholic

Our Service Pledge

Our collection comes from a wide variety of sources and in order to preserve the integrity of our items we do not do any extensive cleaning or restoration. We sell them to you in the same condition as we discovered them.

We answer all inquiries within 24 hours and ship within 2 days. We are available Monday - Saturday but take Sundays off for God and family.

Email contact is preferred but if you want a real person leave a message and we will gladly get back to you.


About Us

Welcome to The Vintage Catholic.

Here in our shop you’ll find a splendid range of Catholic art and antiques; unique items that for centuries have been identified with the Faith and the faithful: statues, fonts, crucifixes, holy cards, rosaries; a myriad of objects that once informed and inspired the world of Catholic culture.

Part of the beauty of Catholic art is that it has always been utilitarian—in the best sense of that word. Catholic art is meant to be used. Whether to foster devotion, raise the heart and mind to God, or function liturgically in an act of worship, Catholic art is always imbued with purpose.

We offer you these objects now in the hope that they will not gather dust in some forgotten corner, neglected; but rather that they will continue to find beauty in purpose and be used as they were intended to be…by Catholics.

Mark & Lillian Nobles

"What earlier generations held as sacred, remains sacred and great for us too, and it cannot be all of a sudden entirely forbidden or even considered harmful. It behooves all of us to preserve the riches which have developed in the Church’s faith and prayer, and to give them their proper place."

Pope Benedict XVI
Letter to Bishops, July 7, 2007

Mark and Lillian Nobles
Address available at time of purchase.
Island County , WA 98282
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