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About North Star Antiques

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About Us

You can find more about us on our website northstarantiques211. Some of our pieces may have additional photos in our "Featured Unique Finds" section. You can also Like us on Facebook! @northstarantiques211 or Instagram. We sell there and we also sell on Etsy, & Ebay. Ebay is where you'll see the most of everything we have to offer! But we also have a Brick and Mortar Location in downtown Lowell where we feature the goods of multiple dealers and vendors of all sorts of goods that come in for short periods of time.

In addition to buying, selling and obsessing over vintage postcards, I also sell for a handful of wonderful customers and other antique dealers. This gives me a nice variety of all sorts of antiques an collectibles. I have primitives, glassware and other collectibles that you'll love to own, display and cherish.

If you collect something specific, let me know and I will try to watch for it and I have dealers that can help look as well. Please subscribe to my shop and you will receive infrequent notices from me offering specials or letting you know some big news. Consider signing up for our emails where you get first dibs on some of our Featured Unique Finds!


Postcard collecting is currently the third largest collectable hobby in the world. Worldwide, it is surpassed only by coin and Sports Card collecting. The popularity of post cards can be credited to their broad subject appeal. Almost any subject imaginable has been, at some time, portrayed on a postcard. Art, Cowboys, town views, children, animals, cars, ships, Indians, holidays, Sometimes it isn't just the view on the card but also the historic writing on the back of the card that is the most interesting. Kind of a two for one collectible!


Unlike the first two collectible hobbies, postcards have images that are often reproduced and used on products we use today. These images can be found on things from wrapping papers & greeting cards to scrapbooking products and fabrics. One of our customers even sells chocolate bar greeting cards! They use images from old postcards, embellish them and wrap them around wonderful Belgium chocolate. YUM!

However, most collectors simply enjoy their postcards for their artistic value. They are mini-art. Some collectors place their cards in acid free safe binders while others find ways to display their collection. You can frame them or put them in hard sleeves and display them around your other favorite collectibles or Antiques. Place them in a protective sleeve and put them under glass on a coffee table. Postcards are also a great way to decorate for a holiday. A bonus is that unlike most collections or decorations, storage space is minimal with postcards.


The very broad subject appeal that makes them such a popular collectible is what makes them a great gift idea. Many of my customers have discovered that giving an old postcard can be as fun as collecting them and they can fit with any budget. Slip them inside a card, frame them, or put them in a hard sleeve with a refrigerator magnet. Pick something that reminds you of that person or a universal holiday card to display like Santa Claus. Postcard collecting is not only broad in topics, it crosses all generations. Young children to the elderly all enjoy the beauty and historic value of these cards. Most of these postcards are nearly 100 years old. There is something truly amazing about their beauty and longevity. Paper cards lasting 100 years!


I have over 50,000 postcards and have access to thousands more with another large dealer. Unfortunately listing them all is cost and time prohibitive. I have small town views, city views, foreign views, artist signed, humorous, holiday and topical cards. If you need help finding a special card - just e-mail me. If I don't have it, I have other dealers I can contact in your hunt.

For a link to my other online stores see my Favorite Links.

Stop in today and see why I have so many wonderful repeat customers. I'd like to make you smile on a regular basis. Their is truly something for everyone!

Have a fantastic Day!

Tonia North
211 W. Main
Lowell , MI 49331
PhoneEmail Shop Owner


since 2004
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