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About Bijoux Vintage

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About Us

My long-awaited book about McClelland Barclay is now available at https://mcclellandbarclay.ca

"McClelland Barclay: Painter of Beautiful Women and More" is an illustrated biography of the life of this multi talented man. There are chapters about his commercial and naval art, his fine art and sculptures, his jewellery and fashion designs, and the women in his life. Be prepared for secrets to be revealed! For updates about this first retrospective of McClelland's career from the Art Deco period until his death in 1943, follow me on Instagram @mcclelland.barclay . Visit my McClelland Barclay website https://mcclellandbarclay.ca to see book reviews, watch the book trailer, read my blog and purchase your copy of my book. You can also shop for jewellery and metal home decor products by this famous artist.

I have always loved old "stuff", especially jewellery, but I started seriously collecting vintage costume jewellery in the late 1990's. A retired educator, I began to do research in the field of antique and vintage jewellery and became a v.c.j. dealer, buying and selling interesting pieces. My specialty is the jewellery and art of McClelland Barclay (1891-1943), and I have published a number of articles about him. I also have several other collections, including butterfly wing jewellery, enamelled sterling pieces, and French designers.

I founded the Toronto Vintage Costume Jewellery Club in 2005, and I am a supporter of Costume Jewelry Collectors International (CJCI.)

I am always looking for the best, most interesting vintage jewellery and collectibles that I can offer to you at a reasonable price. Expect some unique items!

If you do not find what you are looking for, please ask: many treasures have been tucked away, just waiting for the right buyer. You may also notice that items that you have been watching are no longer in my shop. Please ask if they are still available.

LAY-AWAY Plans will be considered for more expensive items (generally more than $300.00.)

SUBSCRIBE - Sign up to receive notifications of sales, or when new items are added, by clicking on "Subscribe", located in two places on this page.

THANK-YOU to my Canadian, American and international customers, who have made my years as a Ruby Lane shop owner very enjoyable.

FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM @mcclelland.barclay or @patriciagostick and view Patricia Gostick on Facebook.
Toronto , ON M4R 1R9
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