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About Anna's Vintage Jewelry

Our Service Pledge

Our promise to you:

1) All items have been carefully inspected and cleaned and you will receive every order in "ready-to-wear" condition...always!

2) Quality is guaranteed. You may always return any item for a full refund, per the Ruby Lane guarantee.

3) Descriptions of all items are detailed and comprehensive; we want you to have complete information before making your purchase.

4) Website payments are always made through a verified secure method, so you can rest assured that your personal information is confidential and protected when you make a purchase from Anna's Vintage Jewelry.


We regard your privacy as an important aspect of our commitment to customer service.

We will not share or sell any information (name, address, purchasing habits, etc.) that we collect from you in the course of your transactions with us.

We only maintain account information as a means of record keeping as standard business practice. You may contact us at (312) 502-4574 any time to correct your contact or billing information or to request that we do not mail future product information to you.

We use secure transaction technology, privacy controls and restricted employee access to your records, in order to protect your personal data.

About Us

Thank you for your interest in Anna’s Vintage Jewelry on Ruby Lane!

I offer a wide range of vintage costume jewelry in all price ranges. All items are carefully inspected and thoroughly cleaned before being listed for sale. You will always receive your purchases in ready-to-wear condition.

You will also find one-of-a-kind artisan jewelry in my shop, all designed and handmade by me.

If you have questions about any of the items offered for sale, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Anna’s Vintage Jewelry is named in honor of my grandmother from whom I inherited my love and appreciation for vintage and costume jewelry.

It is my pleasure to find new homes for vintage treasures, and I look forward to welcoming you as a customer.

All the best,
Mary Ann Docktor-Smith

Mary Ann Docktor-Smith is a vintage jewelry collector, historian and dealer. She also creates artisan jewelry using vintage and natural stone beads, polymer clay and cork. Mary Ann is an expert on Selro jewelry, and also Florenza jewelry and the history of Dan Kasoff Inc. She has presented on vintage jewelry topics in several venues, including Costume Jewelry Collectors International conventions, Bead Society of Greater Chicago, Chicago Botanic Garden, and 2007 VFCJ Vintage Jewelry Cruise.

Mary Ann's two-part article Costume Jewelry Manufacturing Concepts appeared in the Fall and Winter 2010 issues of Costume Jewelry Collectors International magazine. She has also written several articles for The Jewelry Ring, including a monthly column, Jewel Notes from Mary Ann.

Before becoming a full-time jewelry dealer, Mary Ann spent many years in the financial services industry, first as a business-owner, and later as a relationship manager with a large international bank.

Mary Ann lives in Catalina, Arizona with her husband, Randy Smith, and is an avid reader, traveler and gourmet cook.

Costume Jewelry Collectors International
The Jewelry Ring
Jewel Collect
Mary Ann Docktor-Smith
Catalina Foothills
Catalina , AZ 85739
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