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About Ammolite From Canada.

Our Service Pledge

I respond to all orders immediately and offer a written warranty of authenticity over my personal signature on every piece that leaves my shop.All items are guaranteed genuine Ammolite from Alberta Canada.

About Us

I have been deeply involved with Ammolite for many years since I first picked up a small piece from the bed of a stream while fly fishing in South Alberta.Amazed at the colors in the stone I pocketed it and made inquiries among locals and that started my journey in the magical world of this amazing 80 million year old gemstone found only in one spot in gem quality in south Alberta Canada where I used to live for many years.

I have made close connections with producers and miners of ammolite from whom I am able to source the very best ammolite available.I have been marketing Ammolite to clients around the world sine 2006 and am pleased to offer my jewelry on a quality site such as Ruby Lane.

My objective is to offer high quality ammolite jewelry at reasonable prices.This shop will not be the cheapest place to buy ammolite as cheap and high quality never share the same address.

I recently moved from Alberta to Nova Scotia to live in a small lobster fishing port having grown up on the ocean which I missed.

Not likely any one in your circle will have anything like this or even be able to identify the gem--Ammolite jewelry is that rare---many have yet to see it! It is often seen as cruise ship jewelry at astonishingly high prices especially on the Caribbean,Mexico and Alaskan runs.

 Canadian Ammolite from Alberta in good quality is one of the rarest gems in the world.It has been compared favourably for its brilliant colors with black opal from Australia--and at a far more reasonable price point too.
 It is found only in one small area in Alberta Canada near where I used to live and is widely recognized as the most colorful of Canadian gemstones.
  Only a small percentage is top gem quality.No other useful deposits of gem grade ammolite is known to exist—so when supplies are exhausted there will be no more—which is why demand and prices are increasing—in fact they have doubled in the last five years for top quality ammolites and show no signs of slowing down.

Followers of the ancient practice of Feng Shui believe that ammolite is the most important gem ever discovered for its metaphysical ability to promote health, healing and prosperity on its owner.They call it the "Seven Color Prosperity Stone"
Simon Jones
PO Box 93
Meteghan , NS B0S 2J0
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