French Fanfaire/Betty Stepnowski

Early Linen Dress, Fashion, Milliner, China, Fits Wood Body


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Specialist in Choice Antique Dolls


since 2012


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Offering this wonderful style early Doll's 2-piece Costume likely made of Linen possibly pre-1880 era. This has a wonderful jacket with styled back, completely hand stitched and showing minor distress due to age, including mend on right sleeve. Tiny mop buttons down front with hand made button holes. This is shown on a 14" wood French Fashion body not included) and may fit up to a 19" size Doll in my opinion. Color is a rich rust-brown. (if you wish to decline insurance a signature delivery confirmation is required, let me know before you pay).
Item id: 01-4271
Item type: Antique