
Antique French Bisque Doll Large TeTe Jumeau Wood and Composition Body Chunky

$2,450 SALE

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Estate Finds From Dolls / Toys to Eclectic Unusual. Affordable prices AND we typical reduce up to 60 items daily!


since 2011
Here is a beautiful Antique French Bisque Doll, she is gorgeous. The doll is a BIG Girl, the doll stands 31" Tall, she has her big chunky composition body. The doll has a beautiful face with large glass almond shaped eyes. The doll has wonderful painted features, and she has pierced ears with earrings. The doll is in nice condition, There has been some repaint in areas to the body, but you have to look for it, it does not stick out. I would be happy to have a body that held up this good. The doll is huge and just stands out... she has a rim nick on the rim , where the cork pate goes. She has her cork pate and her long human hair wig. She is nicely dressed and is wearing her wonderful doll bonnet, that is Antique. She can nicely hold a pose, I love this big girl and so will you.... and in time for the holidays!

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Item id: TFP-7224337642123