Louise's Little Ladies Dolls & Accessories

5" German Jointed All Bisque Closed Mouth Girl


“Antique and Vintage Dolls Offered with Integrity & Care”
Always Accept Fair Offers


since 2021


United Federation of Doll Clubs Logo

Sweet 5" all bisque girl, jointed at neck, shoulders and hips. Nice painted face with closed mouth, blushed cheeks, Blue intaglio eyes, molded ears. Blonde wig with remnants of a red bow. Hair is a bit thin and wild, would look nice in a ponytail. Good, shapely body with cupped hands , black heeled shoes with strap and bow. White socks with blue top. Doll is marked 39/13 on back of head and someone wrote that on her back in pencil. She is in nice condition, free of cracks or hairlines. Upon close examination with a loop I notice she has some factory flaw lines on her face. They are not hairlines or damage. These are factory flaw issues. Her stringing is loose but holding.
Really cute little doll ready to dress. Please view all my pictures for description and issues.
Item id: A-2444