When Dreams Come True Doll-Shop

~~~ Pretty Bisque "Pierrette" Lady for France with Jumeau Adult dolls Body ~~~


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Exclusive Antique Dolls, Doll Costumes and Fine Accessory from France
Let's your dreams comes true with always welcome Layaway


since 2009


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25" ( 65 cm ) French " Pierrette " , a composition and wooden body bisque Lady for the French market costumed as " Pierrette " , has generally all excellent condition and wearing most beautiful antique silk outfit !!

Beautiful bisque head in all perfect and pale condition.... free of damage , chip , hairline or repair ..... has very good quality of bisque with pretty brown glass sleep eyes with superbly long mohair lashes. Brush-stroked and feathered brows .

The Pierrette has a small open mouth with hint of a happy smile , fine accented lips and row of pearl white upper teeth. Pierced ears with her original earrings and nice blonde curled mohair wig .... which is in beautiful contrast with her brown eyes !

She has her original adult style composition and wooden body with very small waistline and original body finish ... mark by Maison Jumeau ... " Bebe Jumeau diplome d´honneur "

Head mark at back ; S&H DEP Germany 10

Made in Germany about 19th. century by Simon and Halbig , complete for the French market by Maison Jumeau !!

Beautiful costumed in ecru silk Pierrette costume with matching bonnet , ornate with lot´s of turquoise silk pom-pom`s . Has lovely set of under garments with stocking and silk shoes by Jumeau !

A very beautiful doll which has rare large size and fancy wearing , ready to display and enjoy in your cabinet .... !!

Thank you for your interest on my doll-shop and let me know if you have any question !

Layaway always welcome , please ask about ...
Item id: AK-3873