Hydrangea House

Antique Velvet Embroidered DOLL Dress Ensemble w Bonnet &. Shoes fits 15" German Doll


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Offering a lovely Antique German Doll 5 piece DOLL Ensemble with Shoes. This beautiful traditional set was found on a Heubach 15" tall German doll and is identified as 'Denmark' on one shoe. I am not certain if they was made in Denmark or Germany. Dates to the. late 1800's.

1. Rose Colored Velvet Vest w French Gold Metallic Lace.
2 Chocolate Brown Velvet Bolero Jacket w hand embroidered flowers and pretty ribbon trim.
3. Chocolate Brown Long Skirt.
4. Brown Apron w matching Floral Embroidery.
5. Matching Chocolate Brown Velvet Bonnets with matching Floral Embroidery and Antique French Metallic Lace
6. Cotton Undergarment.
7. Black Shoes with Socks. Stamped '3'. One shoe sole needs to be reglued. Soles have handwritten notes 'Jones Library' and 'Denmark'
Item id: 460501312025
Item type: Antique