Heritage Oaks of Calabasas

Large Antique 19th Century Asian Champleve Vase


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Luxury Vintage Goods


since 2022
This was my grandmothers, for years it held antique walking sticks by her front door. It is a large Antique Original 19th c. Japanese Meiji Champleve Bronze Enamel Vase | Beautiful solid bronze with champlevé inlay throughout,There is a lovely detail of flowing fabric folds with tied rope and bow. Bottom of base is removable, it is in excellent original condition | Approximate size & weight: 14 1/2” H x 36 " diameter at widest , 6 1/2" diameter top Weight: 21 Lbs
Avery unique piece.
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Item id: A392
Color: Copper
Item type: Antique