Treasure Hut
Named Armor Leader's Guide
"Where Rarity Is Common"
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Here we have a name copy of the us army armor leaders guide. The cover of the book is stamped ST 17-15-1. The cover of the book has writing and black panther stamp on it. The inner cover of the book is stamped with a peace sign and is signed by LT Andrews and has his unit AOB#6. The book is bound together with staples and scotch tape. The contents of the book cover information such as leadership, command and control, armor in Vietnam, communication, and nuclear warfare protective measures. The illustrations in the book are clear and easy to understand. The book is in heavily used condition. Add to your cart today!
Dimensions - 4.00" Wide X 6.00" Tall
T-2 - 2/23 - QXZQ - LA2/23
Dimensions - 4.00" Wide X 6.00" Tall
T-2 - 2/23 - QXZQ - LA2/23
Item id: RL009710
Item type: Vintage
Item type: Vintage
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Keep in mind that these are antique and vintage items and as such, they have oftentimes passed through many hands and won't have the "perfection" of new items, nevertheless, they are even more beautiful for the history, artistry, and craftsmanship that they showcase.
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