Gallerie Paris Est

Modern oil painting framed signed The rider and his horse galloping

$550 SALE

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#gallerieparisest French antique treasures


since 2021
Modern painting The rider and his horse galloping

Oil on framed canvas depicting a rider on a wooden wagon pulled by a galloping horse.
We feel the movement of this hectic scene, of this race against time.
Pretty modern composition with shimmering colors.

The work is signed, the signature is a bit difficult to read (Florios?)
On the back, it is marked ( E. Vinot, 1 boulevard de Clichy) in red, which is a great Parisian art dealer and a friend of Gen-Paul.

With frame: 54cm x 73cm (21’ x 28.7’’)
Frameless: 46cm x 55cm (18’ x 21.6’’)
Item id: 895/2
Media: Canvas, Oil Paint
Theme: Animal, Entertainment, Hunting
Item type: Vintage