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The Baby Book Issued by the Department of Health of Ontario


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The Baby Issued by the Department of Health of Ontario, Fifth Edition, World Copyright, 1936, NEA Service, Inc. The soft cover book measures 6 1/2 inches wide and 9 1/4 inches long and has 72 pages of information on how to care for an infant. It has a message to the people of Ontario from the Minister of Health, Harold J. Kirby. It covers care of the infant, feeding, foods for different ages, emotional habits, common ailments of childhood, and immunization. Pictures of the Dionne Quintuplets were used in the book for cod liver time, having lunch, Emilie's own hook, Marie getting a shot, as well as being pictured on the front and back cover of the book. All of the pictures in the book are in black and white. There are no marks, tears, or stains in the book. It comes from a non-smoking home.
Item id: RK-1430
Item type: Vintage