Antique Dolls and Treasures

A Wonderful Antique Grodnertal Tuck Comb Pincushion Doll


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Antique Dolls, Clothing, Toys and Accessories
Childhood Treasures from Days Gone By! Antique Dolls, Clothing, Toys, Accessories, Children's Books and Research Books!


since 2019


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Here for your buying pleasure is a darling antique Grodneretal wooden tuck comb doll made into a pincushion. Circa 1820's-1830's. If she started her life as a pincushion I do not know, but I truly don't think so. I think that little hands from bygone days saved her in this form! I have always been charmed by these antique pincushions. Made by hands of days gone by and repurposed for another practical use. She has been in my collection for quite some time but it is sadly time to find her a wonderful new home. I hope another collector will love her as I have!

Her head is painted quite nicely with tiny eyebrows, black painted eyes, a scupted nose with a teenie ding at the end, teenie red nostrils, a red painted mouth and a wee little chin. Her hair is painted black with side curls to each side of her face with parted hair to her forehead. To the top of her head she retains her tuck comb. At the back of her head you will see her black painted hair is in quiite nice condition with a tiny spot of missing paint low at her neck on the left side of her hair. In the photos I see a flash spot from my camera at the top of her tuck comb, but in person that is not there. She has no arms, just the sewn impression of arms. Her clothing appears original and sweet but it has been ravished by time from her mere existance of 200 years! Her clothing is quite crudely sewn, as if done by a child. The lovely handmade blonde lace that covers her silk skirt has been added to cover her pin cushion silk skirt which has much melting underneath the lace.

She measures 5.5 inches tall and she is an interesting survivor of time! It is my hopes that whoever adopts her will get the same warm feeling
and appreciation I have always had for her! She is a survivor!

Her shipping will be by way of USPS Priority Mail with insurance required. Sorry, but I am no longer shipping internationally.

I want to thank you for visiting my Ruby shop and if you should have any questions, or would like additional photos, please feel free to contact me. I am always happy to help! In the meantime I would like to wish you all, "Happy Dolling"!
Item id: 213
Item type: Antique