Antique Dolls and Treasures

Antique Grodnertal Wooden with Original Clothing - 1840's


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Antique Dolls, Clothing, Toys and Accessories
Childhood Treasures from Days Gone By! Antique Dolls, Clothing, Toys, Accessories, Children's Books and Research Books!


since 2019


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Here for your buying pleasure is a wonderful antique Grodnertal wooden who retains her original clothing. She is circa 1840. She measures 4 inches in height and would be nice to display in a doll house, Nuremberg kitchen or in a vignette. I hope someone here will love her as much as I have!

She stands 4 inches tall. She has painted black hair with gray side waves to her face. The back of her head is missing quite a few spots of black hair painting that show in the pictures for you. There is one other tiny spot of missing paint above her left eyebrow. She is jointed at the shoulders, elbows, thighs and knees. She wears her original off white cotton skirt, her original muslin pantaloons with cotton edging and a timeworn silk blouse (with melting to the silk) in colors of blue/gray in a large check pattern with a piece of cotton trim around her neck. She has a facial expression that seems to depict the facial features of a younger female. Even with her losses in some of her painting she is still an adorable wooden doll.

I have always found these little antique Grodnertals to be true survivors of the past with a deep remembrance of a forgotten time. Being from a long ago timeframe of 1840 I'm sure they must have many stories to tell. If only they could talk?

I am currently not shipping internationally anymore. For domestic shipping within the 50 U.S. states SHIPPING is FREE!

I want to thank you for visting my Ruby Lane Shop! Should you have any questions or would like more pictures, please feel free to contact me. I am always willing to help! In the meantime I want to wish you all, "Happy Dolling"!
Item id: 210
Item type: Antique