Precious Memories Antiques

1968 'The Collector's Encyclopedia of Dolls' Hard cover Book with Dust Jacket


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Finding happy homes for treasures of a by-gone era.
Precious Memories Antiques - Finding happy homes for treasures of a by-gone era.


since 2018
This is a 1968 'The Collector's Encyclopedia of Dolls' 11 1/4" x 8 1/2" x 1 1/2" Hard cover book with dust jacket by Dorothy, Elizabeth, and Evelyn Coleman published by Crown Publishers Inc, New York. With 200 Color Photographs and illustrations, this full-cover hard cover, 697 page reference book is a great source to support your doll research and is in very good condition.

Do you want an easy way to identify your dolls for future generations and posterity? This is an excellent reference to support your doll research. Let us help you make your own precious memories and identify your doll treasures for your sweet self and for future generations with this excellent research tool. Thank you for visiting our store.
Item id: PM-P-G1-0194
Color: Green, Polychrome
Item type: Vintage