Precious Memories Antiques

Circa 1920s Portfolio of 'Historic Montreal - Past and Present'


Finding happy homes for treasures of a by-gone era.
Precious Memories Antiques - Finding happy homes for treasures of a by-gone era.


since 2018
This is a circa 1920s (undated) portfolio of 'Historic Montreal - Past and Present' edited by Geoffrey M Le Hain, published by Henry Morgan and Company. "A Portfolio of Pictures of Montreal and Surroundings Comprising Reproductions of Paintings by Canadian Artists Showing Historical Places as They Stand Today- Together with a Collection of Carefully Chosen Photographs, Giving a Comprehensive Panorama of Our Great City" Dark Blue/Black embossed boards with dominoterie endpapers. 37 full page illustrations by period artists : 14 color paintings are by Paul Caron, two are by Clarence A. Gagnon one by A. L. McLaren, and 6 are anonymous; there are 12 sepia photographs and two in colors. While fully intact, it is only in fair condition. The lettering and embossing on the covers are very faded and there is some red coloring on two front pages.

This approx 100 year-old 'Historic Montreal - Past and Present' book tells a story from a different time. You might want to give this treasured book to a special Canadian in your life or add it to your own collection of interesting historical books. We invite you to make your own precious memories with this treasured book. Thank you for visiting our store.
Item id: PM-AB-G1-307
Color: Black, Blue
Item type: Vintage