Precious Memories Antiques

Circa 1920's 'The Lure of London' issued by the Hotel Cecil


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Precious Memories Antiques - Finding happy homes for treasures of a by-gone era.


since 2018
This is Circa 1920's 'The Lure of London - Being a Treatise of the Historic and Social Features of the Mighty City on the Thames' souvenir book with numerous illustrations and color plates, issued by the Hotel Cecil - London's Greatest Rendezvous. Text by Bernard Darwen, It is 11" x 8 1/4" with 84 book pages with light browning and 28 pages of glossy period advertising. It has a beige cardboard cover with some spots and edge wear. It is in good, intact condition with some spine wear.

"This is a promotional item issued by the Hotel Cecil ("London's Greatest Rendezvous") detailing the art galleries, shows, history, literature etc. that London offers visitors to the capital... The Hotel Cecil was a grand hotel built 1890–96 between the Thames Embankment and the Strand in London, England."

This 'The Lure of London' soft cover book tells a travel story from a different time. You might want to give this treasured book to a special person in your life or add it to your own collection of interesting historic books. We invite you to make your own precious memories with this treasured book. Thank you for visiting our store.
Item id: PM-AB-G1-238
Color: Beige
Item type: Vintage