Connecticut Yankee Antiques and Collectibles

1920s FEMINIST DOROTHY PARKER's Classic POETRY Volume "Sunset Guns" - 1941 Sun Dial Press Edition - Algonquin ROUNDTABLE Co-Founder


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"Sunset Guns" - the classic volume of poetry by the feminist icon of the Roaring Twenties, Dorothy Parker (1893-1967) - an American poet, short story writer, critic and satirist, best known for her wit, wisecracks, and eye for 20th century urban foibles. 1941 hard-cover edition by Sun Dial Press (1898-2022), the famous imprint publishing many literary greats of the 20th Century, including Parker, W. Somerset Maugham, Thomas Wolfe and Aldous Huxley.

Parker's sardonic wit is clearly evident in these pithy short poems, many of which deal with stormy love-affairs. Based in large part on her own failed relationships, her poems are sadly funny, but timeless, and still relevant after all these years. The 75-page volume include sixty-eight of Parkers most famous poems, including such jewels as "Two Volume Novel", "Incurable", "The Last Question", and "Swan Song".

Parker, together with Robert Benchley, co-founded a luncheon group in 1918, that over time became known as the "Algonquin Round-table" - an exclusive group of the best and brightest on the New York City scene in the early 1920s -who met almost daily for lunch in the dining room of the Algonquin Hotel in New York City. The Algonquin Round-table included famous authors, poets, columnists, publishers, playwrights, stage actors, Broadway producers, entertainers, artists and music composers of the day, such as Dorothy Parker, Heywood Broun, Irving Berlin, Edna Ferber, Robert Sherwood, George Kaufman, Harold Ross, Franklin Pierce Adams, George Gershwin, Alexander Woollcott, Neysa McMein, and Robert Benchley, just to name a few.

First published in book form in 1928, the individual poems in "Sunset Gun" first appeared in such trendy magazines of the day such as the New Yorker magazine, Life, McCall's the New Republic, and the Nation; the Yale Review; and the New York Post and the New York World newspapers.

This 1941 Sun Press Edition is 8" x 5-1/4", printed on quality textured rag paper with black fabric hard-board covers. There is no dust cover with this volume.

PHOTO NOTE: The washed out texture to some of the images is a photo distortion, altering the sharper textures of the images in the actual book. Photos also tend to exaggerate the prominence of lightly soiled spots and sun faded areas, as well as the size and texture of small creases and flaws, all of which are much less noticeable in person.

CONDITION NOTE: The book is complete and in very good condition. The binding is tight, and the pages un-creased and clean, with no age discoloration or corner folds. The front cover-board has some light scuffs, the spine and corners are lightly crushed, and there is light fabric wear on the edges. This was a gift with the name of the recipients, husband and wife professors at the University of Rhode Island, written in pencil and signed by the givers. Any significant cover flaws are visible in the photos.
Item id: 05-0380
Item type: Vintage