La Poupee Cherie

10" Hertwig China Head doll in red floral dress -Perfect condition

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Dolls , bears, toys, and accessories to cherish from Paris and all over the world.
La Poupée Chérie is a combination of Amy Miller's shop "Treasures from the Attic" and "Joan Farrell's Antique Dolls".


since 2020
Today we are offering this sweet little china doll made by Hertwig known as a Low Brow.
Her china head is in perfect condition, as are her lower bisque arms and legs with china glazed brown shoes.
Her body is probably as old as the doll is .She comes dressed in this red and white tiny print dress which is completely hand sewn.
Dress snaps at back with two metal snaps.
She retains her hand stitched fine lawn slip and matching pantalettes. This one has it all, even a little black felt cap with a visor to keep the sun out of her eyes.
Cute small size, in perfect condition and dressed nicely!! WOW

Thank You for visiting our Ruby Lane Shop!
Amy Miller
Item id: BX1216