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First Edition Folio Engraving From Captain James Cook & James King's "An Account of the Voyages Undertaken by the Order of His Present Majesty for Making Discoveries in the Southern Hemisphere."

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First Edition Folio Engraving From Captain James Cook & James King's "An Account of the Voyages Undertaken by the Order of His Present Majesty for Making Discoveries in the Southern Hemisphere." The work was published in London by Strahan and Cadell in 1773. It is the official account of Cook's first voyage. This view depicts the island of Mas-a-Fuera, now known as Alejandro Selkirk Island off the coast of Chile.

Cook's first voyage of his three, took place between 1768 and 1771. It was a combined Royal Navy and Royal Society expedition to the South Pacific aboard the HMS Endeavour. Departing from the Plymouth Dockyard in August 1768, the expedition crossed the Atlantic and reached Tahiti in time to observe the transit of Venus. Then he set off into the largely uncharted ocean to the south. In 1769, they reached New Zealand, and spent six months charting the coast before resuming their journey westward. In 1770 the crew became the first Europeans to reach the east coast of Australia before rounding the Cape of Good Hope in 1771, and returning to England the summer of that year.

"The famous accounts of Captain Cook's three voyages form the basis for any collection of Pacific books. In three great voyages Cook did more to clarify the geographical knowledge of the southern hemisphere than all his predecessors had done together. He was really the first scientific navigator and his voyages made great contributions to many fields of knowledge." (Hill)

"Cook earned his place in history by opening up the Pacific to western civilization and by the foundation of British Australia. The world was given for the first time an essentially complete knowledge of the Pacific Ocean and Australia, and Cook proved once and for all that there was no great southern continent, as had always been believed. He also suggested the existence of antarctic land in the southern ice ring, a fact which was not proved until the explorations of the nineteenth century." (Printing and the Mind of Man p.135)

Country of Origin: England.

Artist or Maker: Captain James Cook

Medium: Engraving.

Size: 11 by 17 inches.

Date Published: 1773.

Condition: Overall Very Good Antique Condition.. There is some very light text offset. A few minor marks or imperfections to be expected with age.

Literature: "An Account of the Voyages Undertaken by the Order of His Present Majesty for Making Discoveries in the Southern Hemisphere."

*****Please note - we have listed this at well below what these pieces are selling for currently - $1400.00 - $1495.00 and higher.

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Item id: Captain Cook -First Edition Folio Engraving - A View of the NW Side of Mas-A-Fuera [Chile]
Color: Black, White
Genre: Early European Works of Art
Media: Engraving
Theme: Coastal, Historical
Width: 17" (43 cm)
Height: 11" (28 cm)
Origin: England • English
Age: 18th Century
Item type: Antique