Richard Saxman Antiques

Extremely small ( 8 1/4" , 21 cm ) Kammer and Reinhardt 114 " Gretchen "


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since 2016


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EXTREMELY SMALL ( 8 ¼”, 21cm ) Kammer and Reinhardt character doll known as “ Gretchen “ and incised “K&*R 114 21 “ with blue painted eyes, closed mouth AND, ( the factor that makes these smaller dolls rare and hard to find ), mounted to the original FULLY ARTICULATED pink K&R wood and composition body with fine original finish. She wears an antique strawberry-blond mohair wig with bangs, a simple old blue silk lace covered chemise , old underwear with pink socks and antique white leather shoes with buckles. Included is a basic straw bonnet with red ribbon ( not as old as the doll itself ). Normally these smaller 114s and 101s are found with five-piece bodies with painted shoes and socks so to find a nice one with fully jointed body is rare indeed!
Item id: RSA000780