The Collector's Book of Dolls' Clothes: Costumes in Miniature, 1700-1929 by Dorothy S., Elizabeth A., and Evelyn J. Coleman. New York: Crown Publishers 1975. First edition with dust jacket. The most complete book on dolls' clothes ever published. A historical survey of the original clothes worn by the dolls made in France, Germany and the English-speaking countries from 1700 to 1929. A documented chronological record, almost a social history of childhood itself. More than 800 illustrations, most in black and white with some beautiful color photos. Also a section of patterns for more than 400 garments. With a glossary, bibliography, and index. 794 pages. Book is very good condition. dust jacket has wear and some small tears at the edges as shown.
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Item id: 23555
Item type: Vintage
Item type: Vintage
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