Victoria's Doll House

Antique All Bisque 7" Baby Doll with Great Embroidered Crib Bassinet


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I've held onto this gorgeous antique basket bassinet with its spectacular embroidered wool side panels for a long time, but it is time for it to find a new home....with the 7" long all bisque baby I have had displayed in it.
The all bisque baby is unmarked. It is wire-jointed and is somewhat loose as you can see in the pictures. Blue painted eyes with very nice facial painting and painted hair. Nicely modeled ears. There is a crack in the crotch area that has two hairlines that extend from it on the lower buttock and inside of one leg near the stringing hole. Otherwise, beautiful baby with nicely modeled hands and feet.
The piece de resistance is the crib/bassinet! It is antique wicker and gorgeous with the side embroidered panels. Floral embroidery with some embroidered birds (I believe!). It is a dark tan wool felt. The embroidery is exquisite. The ends of the basket have silk ribbon bows and hanging silk thread balls.
The crib measures approx. 7" long by 4" wide by 3 1/4" high. Silk lined interior.

Just so great!
Item id: 3447