FAQ Knowledge Base
FAQ HomeList of Questions available in "Shipping Wizard"
- Can I offer free shipping or shipping discounts on some or all of my items?
- How will the Shipping Wizard calculate shipping without knowing the zone it is going to?
- Can I offer a fixed shipping rate on some or all of my items?
- Why are my item pages not showing my price for International shipping?
- Why is it important to enter accurate shipping information when I list my items?
- How can the Shipping Wizard compute an accurate shipping cost on multiple-item orders?
- I want to charge a handling fee. Do I include it in the price of the item?
- Can I offer multiple shipping carrier options for buyers to choose from?
- How do I use a shipping provider like DHL if it's not listed in the shipping service options?
- What happens when shipping rates change?
- What if I use a specialized freight service to ship my large items?
- Why can't I see the shipping cost to my home address?
- How can I offer free or discounted shipping on large orders or to repeat buyers?