FAQ Knowledge Base
FAQ HomeList of Questions available in "Purchase Process"
- How do I offer a Layaway Plan? Prior to May 6, 2024
- How do my buyers pay me?
- How do customers purchase my items?
- How do I accept credit card payments from buyers?
- How do I change the Methods of Payment I accept in my shop?
- How do I combine orders submitted from the same buyer?
- If I use different email addresses for my shop and my PayPal account, how can a buyer pay through my shop with PayPal?
- What should I do if my buyer's email address has been removed from Ruby Lane?
- What countries are restricted by PayPal?
- Why is an item that is available for sale in my shop showing as unavailable to some shoppers?
- How do I offer a Layaway Plan? New as of May 6, 2024