FAQ Knowledge Base
FAQ HomeList of Questions available in "Jewelry Requirements & Guidelines"
- What are the key mistakes to avoid when listing items in the Jewelry Lane?
- Can more than one type of stone be identified as Jade?
- Can a Jewelry item be listed if the maker's marks are too tiny or illegible to photograph?
- How can I determine if my unmarked jewelry item is made of precious metal?
- How should I list my DeLizza and Elster (D & E) or Juliana jewelry pieces?
- What do I need to know before listing a jewelry item described as Silver?
- What are the important points to remember when listing items in the Jewelry Lane: Artisan subcategory?
- Does Ruby Lane allow lot listings for Jewelry?
- What are the terms used to describe enameling techniques?
- What are the standard jewelry industry terminology terms to use for items made of gold?
- What do I need to know before listing a Jewelry item described as Platinum?
- How should pearls be listed?
- Can I list an item using fanciful jewelry trade names to describe new colors or stones?
- What do I need to know before listing a Jewelry item described as Vermeil?
- Can I claim a gemstone is GIA certified?